How does a morning routine shape our productivity?

Our morning can make or break our productivity for the day. From the moment we wake up, the things we do next set our mood and motivation for the rest of the day.

The start of the day resembles a blank page. We get to write the story of our day however we want- it is within our control. Imagine the moment of waking up as a neutral position, from which we decide whether to elevate or diminish our motivation. This neutral juncture is our chance to instigate an upward inertia, boosting our energy and focus. Failing to capitalize on this opportunity would be a missed chance.

If we begin the morning by allowing our minds to be absorbed in anything that numbs it, we set a downward trajectory for our motivation. Recovering from this descent can be challenging and often marks the onset of procrastination.

Some common morning routines involve succumbing to social media or Netflix, perpetuating brain fog after sleep and leaving individuals feeling drained, absentminded, groggy, or lazy. Others rush out the door immediately upon waking, resulting in a day characterized by haste and stress. Commencing the day with stress and demotivation can detrimentally impact our overall productivity.

Can you relate to any of these scenarios? It’s easy to let life happen to us, but the effort we invest in shaping our own experiences makes it all the more rewarding.

Establishing a proper morning routine is instrumental in cultivating positive habits and increasing alertness as the routine progresses. Initiating the morning by clearing our minds after sleep sets the stage for feeling energized, sharp, and prepared for the day ahead.

A brief morning routine has the power to shape your mood for the day, infuse you with energy, kindle motivation, and enhance your overall productivity.

I typically advise individuals to refrain from using their phones for at least 15 minutes upon waking up, with an even more optimal period being 30 minutes to an hour. By avoiding external stimuli during this time, our brains naturally direct focus towards what is essential, guiding us towards prioritized tasks for the day.

I also recommend engaging in at least one productive activity before diving into work—whether it’s a brief 15-minute workout, reading a couple of pages from a book, or simply making the bed. The concept is that accomplishing even a small task provides a sense of achievement, instilling a positive feeling about having done something worthwhile early in the day. This boost in self-esteem translates into increased energy and motivation to tackle additional tasks (give it a try; you won’t regret it!).

You’ve got the ball rolling, now what? Answer is simple- don’t drop it, keep going!

Photo by Chewy on Unsplash

Now is the opportune moment to leverage the built inertia and tackle some work.

In my experience, transitioning from a morning routine to studying becomes much smoother because we’ve already elevated our energy levels. The underlying principle is to establish a consistent pattern of activities preceding our work sessions. This conditioning allows our body and mind to adapt, automatically switching gears and making the initiation of studying much more seamless.

Embarking on the implementation of a work routine, constructing that inertia, and conditioning ourselves to commence work on cue may pose initial challenges, much like any endeavor to instill good habits. However, over time, these efforts will significantly simplify your life.

When striving for changes in our habits or ourselves, the inclination may be to make drastic, 180-degree transformations, and for some individuals, that approach is effective. However, even by changing just one degree every day, week, month, or even over a lifetime, we inevitably find ourselves in an entirely different place than where we started.

By Alona Gordeeva

My morning routine:

Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

To maintain a consistent rhythm, I prioritize waking up at the same time every day, training my body to function like clockwork. This practice helps me steer clear of oversleeping and prolonged battles with my brain over the need to rise.

Upon hearing the alarm, I promptly roll out of bed, attend to basic grooming, hydrate, and change. Following these steps, I make my bed, brew coffee, and delve into a chapter from two carefully selected books dedicated to continuous personal growth. Even if I initially perform these tasks somewhat mechanically, by the end of reading the second chapter, I’m fully alert, fueled with caffeine, and prepared to transition into my study/work mode.

I periodically tweak my routine every six months, incorporating or removing activities based on my evolving preferences. Some additions to my morning routine include 15-minute workouts, morning runs, dance sessions, gratitude journaling, and 15-minute free-form journaling to express unfiltered thoughts. This practice serves as a cathartic release, allowing me to articulate motivating thoughts or address potential hindrances.

With numerous possibilities available, I encourage you to explore activities that resonate with you and contribute to a productive start to your day. Recognize that our morning choices can either bolster or diminish our motivation for the day, underscoring the significance of morning routines. Cultivating positive habits significantly enhances our productivity and prospects for success. It remains within our control to establish structures that support our academic and professional endeavors, and neglecting to do so is a conscious choice to move in the opposite direction.

Hello, I’m Alona! I’m an open, compassionate individual who loves adventures. Welcome to StudyTips, a space where I share knowledge acquired through years of experience, dedicated studying, and hard work.

Achieving success in academics while maintaining a fulfilling and balanced life is entirely possible. I learned this lesson the hard way, but my hope is that you won’t have to. It’s not always about studying more; the key is to understand how to study effectively.

Here, you’ll discover tips, concepts, and techniques rooted in various principles of psychology—insights that I wish I had known during my early years in university.

6 thoughts on “How does a morning routine shape our productivity?

  1. This is such a useful and relatable topic. Thanks for this! One thing that I’ve been experimenting with recently and really enjoyed is subscribing to Morning Brew, a daily source of top finance, tech, science, etc. news. Spending 10 minutes each morning to read Morning Brew has helped me feel more productive and motivated.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you liked this article, Jim! It can be a challenge to get ourselves going in the morning. It’s so great to hear you found something that helps create a routine and keeps you on track!

      I’ve been wanting to keep up to date with top news for a while now but haven’t been able to find a platform to shortly cover different industries in one place. Is there a specific platform that you use to access it?

      – If anyone else knows of other cool platforms, please do tell also!


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